I took 5 showers over the course of two days, a manicure, pedicure and laundry in a real washing machine and dryer to finally feel clean. My hair feels so soft again and the funny rash on my arm is already starting to fade.
I’m back in Kenya!!!
It’s always a funny transition from DRC to Kenya. The deep far out places of Congo are a world all their own. Though, I was completely happy and loving life when I left Congo but it was as soon as I reached Kenya, my heart started having what I call “emotional contractions”. Tenderly sorting through the stories of our sons and the reality of child soldiers. The ones we’ve rescued and the boys that have yet to be rescued. We hope to have them at the end of the month and once safely relocated to the city, I will feel much more satisfied.
I would often refer to myself as pretty sensitive. (Annnnnd all my friends laugh) Possibly an understatement. Every story, every teen with a gun, every young girl with a baby, my heart aches. It never gets easier.
But it does get more beautiful. I’m so thankful for our sweet munchkins. But every rape story is still a blow to the gut.
So I’ve been in process mode! Lots of tears. Lots of laughter. People often ask me how we handle the stories. Well, I’ve learned over the years that my Papa God has big shoulders. REALLY big. He can handle every breath stolen by injustice and in his ridiculous amazingness, replaces it with joy. He’s patient with my process. The times I want to talk about it and the times I want to put on a TV show and zone out for an hour.
We’re also patient with ourselves (we have to be) and take time to recover. My recovery this time… Nairobi!! My favorite. One of my closest friends also came from LA to spend a week with our family on the coast! YAY! She’s a professional designer who has a heart to bring creativity and beauty to areas of injustice. And through revamping the atmosphere, help create a place of safety and a better area to recover and have restoration. She’s amazing and owns her own business with her husband. It’s called Disregarden (check it out here)
It’s been perfect. We shopped, got our nails done, ate half the sweets she brought me from the west (So much for pacing ourselves—shout out to Easter “mini-eggs”!) and laughed and talked ‘til all hours.
From here we’re heading to Bella House to be with the girls and decorate the home and Nevaeh Community Drop-In center. Continuing to add a little more beauty to the brothels.
The only quirky thing about her time here is it’s also election week… Quick lo-down as this is important!! Last national elections of Kenya there were what they call the “Clashes”. A political uproar that cost hundreds of lives and thousands of others displaced from there homes. There was looting, fires, riots. A very painful time in Kenyan history. Now Monday March 4thwe revisit elections again. There is much fear surrounding the week and we’ve been advised to store up enough food, water and candles to last up to a MONTH, incase of house arrest.
From Congo to this. I laugh as I believe we carry Heaven’s perfect peace, so it only makes sense that we would be in places with the most danger and chaos! It is my first time in situations like this where my staff and I are parents to so many. Ha. Please be praying for safety in Kenya, particularly the hot spots on the coast and our young little family of muffins. We’re believing that by being here we will be the atmosphere shifters and not subject to the environment around us. HOWEVER, we did by enough water for a small nation.
Be watching for future photos of the physical transformation Jessica and “Disregarden” bring to our home and projects!!!